Wednesday, December 17, 2008

dont take my picture !

we have to be careful of those "helping" pushes.
Kaija, Finley and I have been together the last couple of days. Things are going well.... Finley sleeps pretty well at night. She wakes about every three hours (or sometimes my milk "sensors" wake me) and she is just a wonderful little being! I feel surprisingly rested (well, for the most part) and I feel like things are just a little less anxious the second time around! I am really enjoying her baby-ness because I know it is going to go so fast...


Emily said...

Great, Em. I'm so glad it's going well for you. I hope you are able to continue enjoying Finley and your family! Happy mommy-ness!

mamma cindy said...

Hi Em,

Finley looks much like Kaija to me without as much so cute. Glad you are doing well juggling both's a challenge!! You're right, it goes by fast...God is you, auntie cindy

The Edelbrocks said...

She is so pretty!!